编号 | 名称 | 价格 | 22221938 | 矮橱 with 4 openwork doors and 3 drawers | 666.00 |
22221939 | 矮橱 with 2 doors | 345.00 |
22221940 | Cabinet with 2 doors with 圆lock | 453.00 |
22221941 | 箱子 of drawers with 2 drawers and 2 sculpted doors | 459.00 |
22221942 | Finely decorated 碗橱 | 811.00 |
22221943 | 箱子 of drawers with heightened sides | 759.00 |
22221944 | 矮橱 massif with 4 drawers and 4 doors | 1 410.00 |
22221945 | 箱子 of drawers with 9 drawers | 724.00 |
22221946 | 红箱子 of drawers for married with 2 drawers and 2 doors with butterfly lock | 751.00 |
22221947 | 箱子 of drawers with 2 drawers and 2 doors decorated | 811.00 |
22221948 | Low black furniture with 2 doors | 244.00 |
22221949 | 箱子 of drawers with 3 drawers and 2 doors | 782.00 |
22221950 | 箱子 of drawers with 3 drawers and 2 doors with a 圆lock | 563.00 |
22221951 | 箱子 of drawers with 2 doors | 384.00 |
22221952 | 箱子 of drawers rouge with 2 drawers and 2 doors | 385.00 |
22221953 | Wooden safe | 738.00 |
22221954 | 碗橱 with 2 drawers and 2 doors | 328.00 |
22221955 | 箱子 of drawers with 2 drawers and 2 doors decorated | 406.00 |
22221956 | 碗橱 with 2 doors | 536.00 |
22221957 | 碗橱 with 2 drawers and 2 doors | 350.00 |
22221958 | 矮橱 with 3 drawers and 2 doors | 563.00 |
22221959 | 碗橱 | 288.00 |
22221960 | Wooden safe with a top opening | 759.00 |
22221961 | 碗橱 | 406.00 |
22221962 | Small Bookcase with vertical bars | 455.00 |
22221963 | 碗橱 | 336.00 |
22221964 | 红碗橱 with butterfly lock | 291.00 |
22221965 | 碗橱 with 2 drawers and 2 doors | 406.00 |
22221966 | Furniture sculpted at the bottom with 4 feet of lion | 493.00 |
22221967 | Green stained 碗橱 with 2 drawers and 2 doors | 406.00 |
22221968 | Shoes furniture | 959.00 |
22221969 | Small 矮橱 with 3 drawers and 2 doors | 561.00 |
22221970 | Finely decorated and varnished dressing 桌子 | 1 430.00 |
22221971 | 箱子 - 矮橱 of Ming style with opening on the top and 2 lower doors | 1 250.00 |
22221972 | 红矮橱 with 5 drawers and 2 doors | 1 410.00 |
22221973 | 箱子 of drawers with thousand secrets | 1 390.00 |
22221974 | Low 矮橱 with 2 drawers at side and 2 central doors | 570.00 |
22221975 | Low 矮橱 with 4 doors | 613.00 |
22221976 | 矮橱 with 3 drawers and 2 doors | 650.00 |
22221977 | Carved 碗橱 | 562.00 |
22221978 | Low black furniture with 2 doors and with golden closing | 353.00 |
22221979 | Low 矮橱 with 4 drawers and 6 doors | 275.00 |
22221980 | Low sculpted 矮橱 | 288.00 |
22221981 | 碗橱 with 2 doors | 427.00 |
22221982 | 碗橱 with 2 drawers and 2 doors | 397.00 |
22221983 | 箱子 of drawers with 3 drawers and 2 finely decorated doors | 901.00 |
22221984 | 碗橱 with carved sides | 682.00 |
22221985 | Small 矮橱 with 2 drawers and 2 doors | 910.00 |
22221986 | 箱子 of drawers with 2 drawers and 2 doors | 364.00 |
22221987 | 箱子 | 1 200.00 |
22221988 | Trapezoidal low 矮橱 with 2 doors and sculpted sides | 765.00 |
22221989 | 供桌 of Peking | 774.00 |
22221990 | 供桌 of Peking | 809.00 |
22221991 | 矮橱 with 5 drawers and 2 doors | 1 200.00 |
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