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They are not elected as Great Men, they have only received against votes, they are a kind of bad guy...
Add a Great Man | Top 10 Great Men in the Pantheon of the World | Birthday | Candidates Election 2017
Created 2010-10-23 23:13:13
Updated 2023-11-17 22:19:42
On Taoism, the destiny of every man/woman is already written in the celest book. The success of every star is already described in this writing. The Chinese Zodiac Sign forecasts well the as well as professional life as private one of every body. It's you to verify if the calculated chinese signe corresponds well to the characters and the life of the stars celebrities on the World.
The past is the mirror of Today.-Chinese Proverb. Let us look now and then this huge mirror: today on the Great Men.
A great man is a woman or a man in history who brought his people or his nation, even to the whole humanity, something significant. He had completed a task in the survival of his nation, he would have improved the living conditions of his countrymen, without committing a genocide of another nation, another ethnic group.
A great man is of a superior mind. It is to say that he does not think exactly like the people. Or more clearly, as head of the elite, he sees deeper than his people for the future of his nation and of the world.
It is ironic that a great man never has an exceptional physique. The Physical beauty is probably the antagonism of human greatness. One can cite some recognized examples like Mao, Napoleon Bonaparte, Washington, Mandela, Deng Xiaoping, De Gaulle, Hu Chiming (Vietnam), Hu Jintao, Churchill, Bill Gates ... I ask the grace of His Majesty for the following word, even the successive emperors of Japan, if they walked in the streets incognito, would not especially attract the eye.
And if you look on the celebrities of a mean merit of the mankind, physically not so bad: Jiangkai Chek, Clinton, Kennedy (Dead too young), A. Delon (?). And yet worse, the legendary comic Ciacomo Girolamo Casanova who had exclusively engaged as a seducer of women without producing any heir...
We note that until now, there is little great men of global dimension, Heroes, emperors, kings all have national dimension. With the exception of Nelson Mandela, who only embodies the universal value for racial understanding, or that of ethnic groups.
We should congratulate the France, because the physical aspect of the the current President of the Republic of the Day Saturday, October 23, 2010, has nothing preventing him from being among the great of Human History.
The candidates in our selection are chosen according these criteria. If you have other candidates in your mind, please let us know. You can first do a search in the list of candidate celebrities.
Each Chinese Year in the Chinese Lunar Calendar possesses an animal sign. Your Chinese Sign is simply the one of the Chinese Lunar Year at the moment of your birth.
In effect, in the Chinese Horoscope, The Zodiac Signs are annual, that are represented by 12 animals. And each 12 years make a complet set of chinese zodiac cycle. Each animal is a member of the Dizhi (地支), or the Earth Branches:
Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, Pig.
According to your birthdate and birthplace, your personal portrait can be plotted. So we can decribe your life way, here the so called "Life Book".
We don't take into account the time difference of the timezone of your birthplace compared to the Beijing timezone (CUT+8 or GMT+8), we have an accuracy of 24 hours at the maximum.
Here is a list of Chinese Sign and dates of Chinese Nea Year in the nearest years.
One can find the first citation of the 12 Chinese zodiac signs in the ancient book 《Book of Songs, Shijing, 诗经》 on 1000 BC..
The entropologues attribute these signs to the animalism: the worship of animals.
How are ordained animals: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig ?
It was once the Yellow Emperor selects 12 animals to be custodians of the palace. The cat says to the rat to register him as a candidate. Unfortunately, the rat has forgotten, the cat has never been chosen, since then the cat and rat become enemies.
Among the candidates there is the elephant. With its small size, the rat has entered the trunk of the elephant, the elephant ran as soon. Among the remaining animals, they first chose the buffalo as their leader.
The rat is very intelligent, he climbs on the back of the buffalo, the pig is also cons, then the rat was placed first, while the pig is the last.
The tiger and the dragon are not happy, for consolation, the tiger is named king of the mountains, and the dragon king of the sea, they are placed after the rat and buffalo.
The white rabbit does not accept this arrangement, he claims a race with the dragon. In the end result, he is plced before the dragon.
Then the dog does not accept the result, in a fit of rage, he bit the white rabbit. As a punishment, it is placed before the last.
The snake, horse, goat, monkey and rooster were engaged in combat as one by one, each has earned its place as the result. Finally we reached the classification of the 12 zodiacal animals of the Chinese Zodiac Signs.