122 Votes.
Thank you for voting for me.
Thank you even though you voted against me.
- For: 122 Votes.
- Against: 43 Votes.
- Balance: 79 Votes.
Last voter (kept secret absolutely): *.*.224.*
on 2024-12-12 11:21:39.
Mahatma (Mohandas Karamchand) Gandhi (马哈特马.甘地),
born on
1869-10-02, India, dead on 1948-01-30 at Delhi, at 78 years old.
According to
More Links.
Earth Snake
110 Votes.
Thank you for voting for me.
Thank you even though you voted against me.
- For: 110 Votes.
- Against: 42 Votes.
- Balance: 68 Votes.
Last voter (kept secret absolutely): *.*.224.*
on 2024-12-12 11:21:44.
Nelson Mandela (奈尔松.曼德拉),
born on
1918-07-18, South Africa, dead on 2013-04-12 at Johannesburg, at 94 years old.
According to
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Earth Horse
80 Votes.
Thank you for voting for me.
Thank you even though you voted against me.
- For: 80 Votes.
- Against: 42 Votes.
- Balance: 38 Votes.
Last voter (kept secret absolutely): *.*.224.*
on 2024-12-12 11:21:51.
Winston Churchill (温斯顿.丘吉尔),
born on
1887-11-30, United Kingdom, dead on 1965-01-24 at Londres, at 77 years old.
According to
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Fire Pig
79 Votes.
Thank you for voting for me.
Thank you even though you voted against me.
- For: 79 Votes.
- Against: 57 Votes.
- Balance: 22 Votes.
Last voter (kept secret absolutely): *.*.221.*
on 2024-08-12 11:23:44.
DENG Xiaoping (鄧小平),
born on
1904-08-22, China, dead on 1997-02-19 at Beijing, at 92 years old.
According to
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Wood Dragon
78 Votes.
Thank you for voting for me.
Thank you even though you voted against me.
- For: 78 Votes.
- Against: 64 Votes.
- Balance: 14 Votes.
Last voter (kept secret absolutely): *.*.221.*
on 2024-08-12 11:23:44.
MAO Zedong (毛泽东),
born on
1893-12-26, China, dead on 1976-09-09 at Beijing, at 82 years old.
According to
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Water Snake
78 Votes.
Thank you for voting for me.
Thank you even though you voted against me.
- For: 78 Votes.
- Against: 40 Votes.
- Balance: 38 Votes.
Last voter (kept secret absolutely): *.*.224.*
on 2024-12-12 11:22:05.
dalai ⇒ Dalaï Lama (达赖喇嘛), India,
born on
1935-07-06, Tibet, I'm only 89 years old.
According to
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Wood Pig
76 Votes.
Thank you for voting for me.
Thank you even though you voted against me.
- For: 76 Votes.
- Against: 59 Votes.
- Balance: 17 Votes.
Last voter (kept secret absolutely): *.*.224.*
on 2024-12-12 11:22:08.
Barack Obama (巴拉克.奥巴马),
born on
1961-08-04, United States of America, I'm only 63 years old.
According to
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Metal Ox
71 Votes.
Thank you for voting for me.
Thank you even though you voted against me.
- For: 71 Votes.
- Against: 38 Votes.
- Balance: 33 Votes.
Last voter (kept secret absolutely): *.*.221.*
on 2024-08-12 11:24:06.
Indira Gandhi (英迪拉.甘地),
born on
1917-11-19, India, dead on 1984-10-31, at 66 years old.
According to
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Fire Snake
69 Votes.
Thank you for voting for me.
Thank you even though you voted against me.
- For: 69 Votes.
- Against: 46 Votes.
- Balance: 23 Votes.
Last voter (kept secret absolutely): *.*.221.*
on 2024-08-12 11:24:07.
Napoléon I Bonaparte (拿破仑.波那波特),
born on
1769-08-15, France, dead on 1821-05-05 at Ile Sainte-Hélène, at 51 years old.
According to
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Earth Ox
68 Votes.
Thank you for voting for me.
Thank you even though you voted against me.
- For: 68 Votes.
- Against: 43 Votes.
- Balance: 25 Votes.
Last voter (kept secret absolutely): *.*.221.*
on 2024-08-12 11:24:23.
Charles DE GAULLE (夏尔.戴高乐),
born on
1890-11-22, France, dead on 1970-11-09 at Colombey-les-Deux-Églises (Haute-Marne), at 79 years old.
According to
More Links.
Metal Tiger
66 Votes.
Thank you for voting for me.
Thank you even though you voted against me.
- For: 66 Votes.
- Against: 32 Votes.
- Balance: 34 Votes.
Last voter (kept secret absolutely): *.*.221.*
on 2024-08-12 11:24:29.
Mikhaïl Gorbatchev (米海依.戈尔巴乔夫),
born on
1931-03-02, Russia, I'm only 93 years old.
According to
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Metal Goat
51 Votes.
Thank you for voting for me.
Thank you even though you voted against me.
- For: 51 Votes.
- Against: 32 Votes.
- Balance: 19 Votes.
Last voter (kept secret absolutely): *.*.221.*
on 2024-08-12 11:24:29.
George Washington (乔治.华盛顿),
born on
1732-02-22, United States of America, dead on 1799-12-14, at 67 years old.
According to
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Water Rat
50 Votes.
Thank you for voting for me.
Thank you even though you voted against me.
- For: 50 Votes.
- Against: 48 Votes.
- Balance: 2 Votes.
Last voter (kept secret absolutely): *.*.221.*
on 2024-08-12 11:24:36.
Mohammed VI (莫哈么德六世),
born on
1963-08-21, Morocco, I'm only 61 years old.
According to
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Water Rabbit
48 Votes.
Thank you for voting for me.
Thank you even though you voted against me.
- For: 48 Votes.
- Against: 46 Votes.
- Balance: 2 Votes.
Last voter (kept secret absolutely): *.*.221.*
on 2024-08-12 11:25:02.
Jacques Chirac (雅克.希拉克),
born on
1932-11-29, France, I'm only 92 years old.
According to
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Water Monkey
47 Votes.
Thank you for voting for me.
Thank you even though you voted against me.
- For: 47 Votes.
- Against: 42 Votes.
- Balance: 5 Votes.
Last voter (kept secret absolutely): *.*.221.*
on 2024-08-12 11:25:03.
Arnaud Montebourg (阿诺.孟得堡),
born on
1962-10-30, France, I'm only 62 years old.
According to
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Water Tiger
47 Votes.
Thank you for voting for me.
Thank you even though you voted against me.
- For: 47 Votes.
- Against: 39 Votes.
- Balance: 8 Votes.
Last voter (kept secret absolutely): *.*.221.*
on 2024-08-12 11:25:03.
Wen Jiabao (温家宝),
born on
1942-09-01, China, I'm only 82 years old.
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Water Horse
46 Votes.
Thank you for voting for me.
Thank you even though you voted against me.
- For: 46 Votes.
- Against: 40 Votes.
- Balance: 6 Votes.
Last voter (kept secret absolutely): *.*.221.*
on 2024-08-12 11:25:03.
Ségolène Royal (玛丽.鲁亚尔), France,
born on
1953-09-22, Senegal, I'm only 71 years old.
According to
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Water Snake
45 Votes.
Thank you for voting for me.
Thank you even though you voted against me.
- For: 45 Votes.
- Against: 31 Votes.
- Balance: 14 Votes.
Last voter (kept secret absolutely): *.*.221.*
on 2024-08-12 11:25:03.
Nicolas Hulot (尼哥拉.胡乐),
born on
1955-04-30, France, I'm only 69 years old.
According to
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Wood Goat
45 Votes.
Thank you for voting for me.
Thank you even though you voted against me.
- For: 45 Votes.
- Against: 27 Votes.
- Balance: 18 Votes.
Last voter (kept secret absolutely): *.*.221.*
on 2024-08-12 11:25:04.
Francois Mitterrand (弗朗索瓦.密特郎),
born on
1916-10-26, France, dead on 2006-01-08 at Paris, at 89 years old.
According to
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Fire Dragon
45 Votes.
Thank you for voting for me.
Thank you even though you voted against me.
- For: 45 Votes.
- Against: 38 Votes.
- Balance: 7 Votes.
Last voter (kept secret absolutely): *.*.221.*
on 2024-08-12 11:25:04.
Eva Joly (爱娃.焦丽), France,
born on
1943-12-05, Norway, I'm only 81 years old.
According to
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Water Goat
44 Votes.
Thank you for voting for me.
Thank you even though you voted against me.
- For: 44 Votes.
- Against: 48 Votes.
- Balance: -4 Votes.
Last voter (kept secret absolutely): *.*.221.*
on 2024-08-12 11:25:04.
Marine Le Pen (玛琳.勒鹏),
born on
1968-08-05, France, I'm only 56 years old.
According to
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Earth Monkey
43 Votes.
Thank you for voting for me.
Thank you even though you voted against me.
- For: 43 Votes.
- Against: 35 Votes.
- Balance: 8 Votes.
Last voter (kept secret absolutely): *.*.221.*
on 2024-08-12 11:25:04.
Jean-Luc Mélenchon (让-路克.梅朗雄), France,
born on
1951-08-19, Morocco, I'm only 73 years old.
According to
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Metal Rabbit
43 Votes.
Thank you for voting for me.
Thank you even though you voted against me.
- For: 43 Votes.
- Against: 38 Votes.
- Balance: 5 Votes.
Last voter (kept secret absolutely): *.*.221.*
on 2024-08-12 11:25:05.
Dominique Strauss-Kahn (多米尼克.斯特劳斯-汗),
born on
1949-04-25, France, I'm only 75 years old.
According to
More Links.
Earth Ox
42 Votes.
Thank you for voting for me.
Thank you even though you voted against me.
- For: 42 Votes.
- Against: 37 Votes.
- Balance: 5 Votes.
Last voter (kept secret absolutely): *.*.221.*
on 2024-08-12 11:25:05.
Nathalie Arthaud (娜达丽.阿托),
born on
1970-02-23, France, I'm only 54 years old.
According to
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Metal Dog
42 Votes.
Thank you for voting for me.
Thank you even though you voted against me.
- For: 42 Votes.
- Against: 41 Votes.
- Balance: 1 Votes.
Last voter (kept secret absolutely): *.*.221.*
on 2024-08-12 11:25:05.
HU Jintao (胡锦涛),
born on
1942-12-12, China, I'm only 82 years old.
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Water Horse
42 Votes.
Thank you for voting for me.
Thank you even though you voted against me.
- For: 42 Votes.
- Against: 40 Votes.
- Balance: 2 Votes.
Last voter (kept secret absolutely): *.*.221.*
on 2024-08-12 11:25:05.
Dominique de Villepin (多米尼克.德.维尔品), France,
born on
1953-11-14, Morocco, I'm only 71 years old.
According to
More Links.
Water Snake
42 Votes.
Thank you for voting for me.
Thank you even though you voted against me.
- For: 42 Votes.
- Against: 43 Votes.
- Balance: -1 Votes.
Last voter (kept secret absolutely): *.*.221.*
on 2024-08-12 11:25:06.
Olivier Besancenot (欧利维叶.贝尚斯诺),
born on
1974-04-18, France, I'm only 50 years old.
According to
More Links.
Wood Tiger
42 Votes.
Thank you for voting for me.
Thank you even though you voted against me.
- For: 42 Votes.
- Against: 33 Votes.
- Balance: 9 Votes.
Last voter (kept secret absolutely): *.*.221.*
on 2024-08-12 11:25:06.
Martine Aubry (玛玎.奥布雷),
born on
1950-08-08, France, I'm only 74 years old.
According to
More Links.
Metal Tiger
41 Votes.
Thank you for voting for me.
Thank you even though you voted against me.
- For: 41 Votes.
- Against: 34 Votes.
- Balance: 7 Votes.
Last voter (kept secret absolutely): *.*.221.*
on 2024-08-12 11:25:06.
Georges Pompidou (乔治.蓬皮杜),
born on
1911-07-05, France, dead on 1974-04-02 at Paris, at 62 years old.
According to
More Links.
Metal Pig
41 Votes.
Thank you for voting for me.
Thank you even though you voted against me.
- For: 41 Votes.
- Against: 40 Votes.
- Balance: 1 Votes.
Last voter (kept secret absolutely): *.*.221.*
on 2024-08-12 11:25:06.
François Bayrou (法郎索瓦.白鲁),
born on
1951-05-25, France, I'm only 73 years old.
According to
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Metal Rabbit
40 Votes.
Thank you for voting for me.
Thank you even though you voted against me.
- For: 40 Votes.
- Against: 45 Votes.
- Balance: -5 Votes.
Last voter (kept secret absolutely): *.*.221.*
on 2024-08-12 11:25:07.
Nicolas Sarkozy (尼哥拉.萨可奇),
born on
1955-01-28, France, I'm only 69 years old.
According to
More Links.
Wood Goat
39 Votes.
Thank you for voting for me.
Thank you even though you voted against me.
- For: 39 Votes.
- Against: 31 Votes.
- Balance: 8 Votes.
Last voter (kept secret absolutely): *.*.221.*
on 2024-08-12 11:25:08.
Cécile DUFLOT (赛细儿.杜甫乐),
born on
1975-04-01, France, I'm only 49 years old.
According to
More Links.
Wood Rabbit
39 Votes.
Thank you for voting for me.
Thank you even though you voted against me.
- For: 39 Votes.
- Against: 36 Votes.
- Balance: 3 Votes.
Last voter (kept secret absolutely): *.*.221.*
on 2024-08-12 11:25:07.
Philippe de Villiers (费利普.德.维利叶),
born on
1949-03-25, France, I'm only 75 years old.
According to
More Links.
Earth Ox
39 Votes.
Thank you for voting for me.
Thank you even though you voted against me.
- For: 39 Votes.
- Against: 37 Votes.
- Balance: 2 Votes.
Last voter (kept secret absolutely): *.*.221.*
on 2024-08-12 11:25:07.
François Fillon (法郎索瓦.飞勇),
born on
1954-03-04, France, I'm only 70 years old.
According to
More Links.
Wood Horse
39 Votes.
Thank you for voting for me.
Thank you even though you voted against me.
- For: 39 Votes.
- Against: 41 Votes.
- Balance: -2 Votes.
Last voter (kept secret absolutely): *.*.221.*
on 2024-08-12 11:25:07.
Valéry Giscard d'Estaing (瓦雷利.吉斯卡-德思坦), France,
born on
1926-02-02, Germany, I'm only 98 years old.
According to
More Links.
Wood Ox
39 Votes.
Thank you for voting for me.
Thank you even though you voted against me.
- For: 39 Votes.
- Against: 37 Votes.
- Balance: 2 Votes.
Last voter (kept secret absolutely): *.*.221.*
on 2024-08-12 11:25:07.
Jean-François Copé (让-法郎索瓦.可贝),
born on
1964-05-05, France, I'm only 60 years old.
According to
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Wood Dragon
38 Votes.
Thank you for voting for me.
Thank you even though you voted against me.
- For: 38 Votes.
- Against: 39 Votes.
- Balance: -1 Votes.
Last voter (kept secret absolutely): *.*.221.*
on 2024-08-12 11:25:08.
Daniel Cohn-Bendit (达尼艾尔.可恩-班地特),
born on
1945-04-04, France, I'm only 79 years old.
According to
More Links.
Wood Rooster
38 Votes.
Thank you for voting for me.
Thank you even though you voted against me.
- For: 38 Votes.
- Against: 39 Votes.
- Balance: -1 Votes.
Last voter (kept secret absolutely): *.*.221.*
on 2024-08-12 11:25:08.
Laurent Fabius (罗伦.法比尤斯),
born on
1946-08-20, France, I'm only 78 years old.
According to
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Fire Dog
37 Votes.
Thank you for voting for me.
Thank you even though you voted against me.
- For: 37 Votes.
- Against: 34 Votes.
- Balance: 3 Votes.
Last voter (kept secret absolutely): *.*.221.*
on 2024-08-12 11:25:08.
Pierre Laurent (皮艾尔.劳伦),
born on
1957-07-01, France, I'm only 67 years old.
According to
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Fire Rooster
36 Votes.
Thank you for voting for me.
Thank you even though you voted against me.
- For: 36 Votes.
- Against: 33 Votes.
- Balance: 3 Votes.
Last voter (kept secret absolutely): *.*.221.*
on 2024-08-12 11:25:08.
Manuel Valls (马牛艾尔.瓦尔斯),
born on
1962-08-13, France, I'm only 62 years old.
According to
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Water Tiger
35 Votes.
Thank you for voting for me.
Thank you even though you voted against me.
- For: 35 Votes.
- Against: 38 Votes.
- Balance: -3 Votes.
Last voter (kept secret absolutely): *.*.221.*
on 2024-08-12 11:25:09.
Nicolas Miguet (尼哥拉.米盖),
born on
1961-01-16, France, I'm only 63 years old.
According to
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Metal Rat
34 Votes.
Thank you for voting for me.
Thank you even though you voted against me.
- For: 34 Votes.
- Against: 41 Votes.
- Balance: -7 Votes.
Last voter (kept secret absolutely): *.*.221.*
on 2024-08-12 11:25:09.
Alain Juppé (阿兰.朱佩),
born on
1945-08-15, France, I'm only 79 years old.
According to
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Wood Rooster
34 Votes.
Thank you for voting for me.
Thank you even though you voted against me.
- For: 34 Votes.
- Against: 40 Votes.
- Balance: -6 Votes.
Last voter (kept secret absolutely): *.*.221.*
on 2024-08-12 11:25:09.
Jean-Pierre Chevènement (让-皮尔.车维内孟),
born on
1939-03-09, France, I'm only 85 years old.
According to
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Earth Rabbit
34 Votes.
Thank you for voting for me.
Thank you even though you voted against me.
- For: 34 Votes.
- Against: 46 Votes.
- Balance: -12 Votes.
Last voter (kept secret absolutely): *.*.221.*
on 2024-08-12 11:25:09.
George Herbert Walker Bush (乔治.布什),
born on
1946-07-06, United States of America, I'm only 78 years old.
According to
More Links.
Fire Dog
33 Votes.
Thank you for voting for me.
Thank you even though you voted against me.
- For: 33 Votes.
- Against: 36 Votes.
- Balance: -3 Votes.
Last voter (kept secret absolutely): *.*.221.*
on 2024-08-12 11:25:09.
Christine Lagarde (克丽丝婷.拉佳德),
born on
1956-01-01, France, I'm only 68 years old.
According to
More Links.
Wood Goat
32 Votes.
Thank you for voting for me.
Thank you even though you voted against me.
- For: 32 Votes.
- Against: 30 Votes.
- Balance: 2 Votes.
Last voter (kept secret absolutely): *.*.221.*
on 2024-08-12 11:25:10.
Dominique Voynet (多米尼克.甫瓦内),
born on
1958-11-04, France, I'm only 66 years old.
According to
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Earth Dog
32 Votes.
Thank you for voting for me.
Thank you even though you voted against me.
- For: 32 Votes.
- Against: 38 Votes.
- Balance: -6 Votes.
Last voter (kept secret absolutely): *.*.221.*
on 2024-08-12 11:25:10.
Hervé Morin (艾尔维.莫林),
born on
1961-08-17, France, I'm only 63 years old.
According to
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Metal Ox
32 Votes.
Thank you for voting for me.
Thank you even though you voted against me.
- For: 32 Votes.
- Against: 37 Votes.
- Balance: -5 Votes.
Last voter (kept secret absolutely): *.*.221.*
on 2024-08-12 11:25:10.
Nafissatou Diallo (娜菲.狄亚罗), United States of America,
born on
1979-01-17, Guinea, I'm only 45 years old.
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Earth Horse
18 Votes.
Thank you for voting for me.
Thank you even though you voted against me.
- For: 18 Votes.
- Against: 31 Votes.
- Balance: -13 Votes.
Last voter (kept secret absolutely): *.*.210.*
on 2024-08-10 09:46:00.
XI Jinping (席近平),
born on
1953-06-01, China, I'm only 71 years old.
According to
More Links.
Water Snake
4 Votes.
Thank you for voting for me.
Thank you even though you voted against me.
- For: 4 Votes.
- Against: 3 Votes.
- Balance: 1 Votes.
Last voter (kept secret absolutely): *.*.117.*
on 2021-11-08 16:49:07.
Jong-eun Kim (金正恩),
born on
1984-01-08, Korea, North, I'm only 40 years old.
According to
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Water Pig
4 Votes.
Thank you for voting for me.
Thank you even though you voted against me.
- For: 4 Votes.
- Against: 3 Votes.
- Balance: 1 Votes.
Last voter (kept secret absolutely): *.*.117.*
on 2021-11-08 16:49:18.
Steve Jobs (斯提夫),
born on
1955-02-22, United States of America, dead on 2011-10-05, at 56 years old.
According to
More Links.
Wood Goat
4 Votes.
Thank you for voting for me.
Thank you even though you voted against me.
- For: 4 Votes.
- Against: 5 Votes.
- Balance: -1 Votes.
Last voter (kept secret absolutely): *.*.117.*
on 2021-11-08 16:50:17.
François Hollande (法郎索瓦.荷兰得),
born on
1954-05-12, France, I'm only 70 years old.
According to
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Wood Horse
4 Votes.
Thank you for voting for me.
Thank you even though you voted against me.
- For: 4 Votes.
- Against: 5 Votes.
- Balance: -1 Votes.
Last voter (kept secret absolutely): *.*.117.*
on 2021-11-08 16:50:21.
Bendre SONALI,
born on
1975-01-01, France, I'm only 49 years old.
More Links.
Wood Tiger
3 Votes.
Thank you for voting for me.
Thank you even though you voted against me.
- For: 3 Votes.
- Against: 3 Votes.
- Balance: 0 Votes.
Last voter (kept secret absolutely): *.*.117.*
on 2021-11-08 16:49:52.
lorie ⇒ Laure Pester (劳尔.佩斯特),
born on
1982-05-02, France, I'm only 42 years old.
According to
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Water Dog
3 Votes.
Thank you for voting for me.
Thank you even though you voted against me.
- For: 3 Votes.
- Against: 2 Votes.
- Balance: 1 Votes.
Last voter (kept secret absolutely): *.*.117.*
on 2021-11-08 16:49:04.
Nicolas Dupont-Aignan (尼哥拉.杜蓬-艾让),
born on
1961-03-07, France, I'm only 63 years old.
According to
More Links.
Metal Ox
3 Votes.
Thank you for voting for me.
Thank you even though you voted against me.
- For: 3 Votes.
- Against: 3 Votes.
- Balance: 0 Votes.
Last voter (kept secret absolutely): *.*.117.*
on 2021-11-08 16:49:22.
Gérard Collomb (洁拉尔),
born on
1947-06-20, France, I'm only 77 years old.
According to
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Fire Pig
3 Votes.
Thank you for voting for me.
Thank you even though you voted against me.
- For: 3 Votes.
- Against: 4 Votes.
- Balance: -1 Votes.
Last voter (kept secret absolutely): *.*.117.*
on 2021-11-08 16:50:15.
Gérard Schivardi (洁拉尔),
born on
1950-04-17, France, I'm only 74 years old.
According to
More Links.
Metal Tiger
3 Votes.
Thank you for voting for me.
Thank you even though you voted against me.
- For: 3 Votes.
- Against: 3 Votes.
- Balance: 0 Votes.
Last voter (kept secret absolutely): *.*.117.*
on 2021-11-08 16:49:56.
Bill Gates (比尔),
born on
1955-10-28, United States of America, I'm only 69 years old.
According to
More Links.
Wood Goat
3 Votes.
Thank you for voting for me.
Thank you even though you voted against me.
- For: 3 Votes.
- Against: 4 Votes.
- Balance: -1 Votes.
Last voter (kept secret absolutely): *.*.117.*
on 2021-11-08 16:50:07.
born on
1948-01-01, France, I'm only 76 years old.
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Fire Pig
3 Votes.
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- For: 3 Votes.
- Against: 3 Votes.
- Balance: 0 Votes.
Last voter (kept secret absolutely): *.*.117.*
on 2021-11-08 16:49:24.
born on
1982-05-02, France, I'm only 42 years old.
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Water Dog
3 Votes.
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- For: 3 Votes.
- Against: 2 Votes.
- Balance: 1 Votes.
Last voter (kept secret absolutely): *.*.117.*
on 2021-11-08 16:49:16.
Philippe Poutou (费利普.破土),
born on
1967-03-14, France, I'm only 57 years old.
According to
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Fire Goat
3 Votes.
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- For: 3 Votes.
- Against: 2 Votes.
- Balance: 1 Votes.
Last voter (kept secret absolutely): *.*.117.*
on 2021-11-08 16:49:20.
Patrick Lozès (巴特力克.罗塞斯), France,
born on
1965-01-13, Benin, I'm only 59 years old.
According to
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Wood Dragon
2 Votes.
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- For: 2 Votes.
- Against: 2 Votes.
- Balance: 0 Votes.
Last voter (kept secret absolutely): *.*.117.*
on 2021-11-08 16:49:26.
born on
1920-01-02, France, I'm only 104 years old.
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Earth Goat
2 Votes.
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- For: 2 Votes.
- Against: 2 Votes.
- Balance: 0 Votes.
Last voter (kept secret absolutely): *.*.117.*
on 2021-11-08 16:49:43.
born on
1978-01-01, France, I'm only 46 years old.
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Fire Snake
2 Votes.
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- For: 2 Votes.
- Against: 2 Votes.
- Balance: 0 Votes.
Last voter (kept secret absolutely): *.*.117.*
on 2021-11-08 16:49:58.
Olivia RUIZ,
born on
1980-01-01, France, I'm only 44 years old.
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Earth Goat
1 Votes.
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- For: 1 Votes.
- Against: 0 Votes.
- Balance: 1 Votes.
Last voter (kept secret absolutely): *.*.210.*
on 2024-08-10 13:39:33.
born on
1970-01-09, France, I'm only 54 years old.
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Earth Rooster
1 Votes.
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- For: 1 Votes.
- Against: 1 Votes.
- Balance: 0 Votes.
Last voter (kept secret absolutely): *.*.117.*
on 2021-11-08 17:33:46.
Marilyn MANSON,
born on
1969-01-05, France, I'm only 55 years old.
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Earth Monkey
1 Votes.
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- For: 1 Votes.
- Against: 0 Votes.
- Balance: 1 Votes.
Last voter (kept secret absolutely): *.*.221.*
on 2024-08-12 04:31:30.
Orlando BLOOM,
born on
1977-01-13, France, I'm only 47 years old.
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Fire Dragon
1 Votes.
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- For: 1 Votes.
- Against: 0 Votes.
- Balance: 1 Votes.
Last voter (kept secret absolutely): *.*.242.*
on 2024-08-09 16:33:21.
David BOWIE,
born on
1947-01-08, France, I'm only 77 years old.
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Fire Dog
1 Votes.
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- For: 1 Votes.
- Against: 1 Votes.
- Balance: 0 Votes.
Last voter (kept secret absolutely): *.*.117.*
on 2021-11-08 17:33:20.
born on
1956-01-03, France, I'm only 68 years old.
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Wood Goat
1 Votes.
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- For: 1 Votes.
- Against: 0 Votes.
- Balance: 1 Votes.
Last voter (kept secret absolutely): *.*.210.*
on 2024-08-10 13:39:33.
born on
1953-01-10, France, I'm only 71 years old.
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Water Dragon
1 Votes.
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- For: 1 Votes.
- Against: 1 Votes.
- Balance: 0 Votes.
Last voter (kept secret absolutely): *.*.117.*
on 2021-11-08 17:33:54.
born on
1949-01-06, France, I'm only 75 years old.
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Earth Rat
1 Votes.
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- For: 1 Votes.
- Against: 0 Votes.
- Balance: 1 Votes.
Last voter (kept secret absolutely): *.*.242.*
on 2024-08-09 16:33:21.
born on
1974-01-08, France, I'm only 50 years old.
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Water Ox
1 Votes.
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- For: 1 Votes.
- Against: 0 Votes.
- Balance: 1 Votes.
Last voter (kept secret absolutely): *.*.210.*
on 2024-08-10 13:39:34.
Bernard BLIER,
born on
1916-01-11, France, I'm only 108 years old.
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Wood Rabbit
1 Votes.
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- For: 1 Votes.
- Against: 0 Votes.
- Balance: 1 Votes.
Last voter (kept secret absolutely): *.*.221.*
on 2024-08-12 04:31:31.
Etienne DAHO,
born on
1956-01-14, France, I'm only 68 years old.
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Wood Goat
1 Votes.
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- For: 1 Votes.
- Against: 0 Votes.
- Balance: 1 Votes.
Last voter (kept secret absolutely): *.*.242.*
on 2024-08-09 16:33:19.
Magalie VAE,
born on
1949-01-06, France, I'm only 75 years old.
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Earth Rat
1 Votes.
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- For: 1 Votes.
- Against: 0 Votes.
- Balance: 1 Votes.
Last voter (kept secret absolutely): *.*.210.*
on 2024-08-10 13:39:33.
Pascal OBISPO,
born on
1965-01-08, France, I'm only 59 years old.
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Wood Dragon
1 Votes.
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- For: 1 Votes.
- Against: 1 Votes.
- Balance: 0 Votes.
Last voter (kept secret absolutely): *.*.117.*
on 2021-11-08 17:33:28.
born on
1969-01-03, France, I'm only 55 years old.
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Earth Monkey
1 Votes.
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- For: 1 Votes.
- Against: 0 Votes.
- Balance: 1 Votes.
Last voter (kept secret absolutely): *.*.221.*
on 2024-08-12 04:31:30.
born on
1964-01-11, France, I'm only 60 years old.
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Water Rabbit
1 Votes.
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- For: 1 Votes.
- Against: 0 Votes.
- Balance: 1 Votes.
Last voter (kept secret absolutely): *.*.221.*
on 2024-08-12 04:31:31.
born on
1929-01-15, France, I'm only 95 years old.
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Earth Dragon
1 Votes.
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- For: 1 Votes.
- Against: 0 Votes.
- Balance: 1 Votes.
Last voter (kept secret absolutely): *.*.242.*
on 2024-08-09 16:33:20.
Nicolas CAGE,
born on
1964-01-07, France, I'm only 60 years old.
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Water Rabbit
1 Votes.
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- For: 1 Votes.
- Against: 0 Votes.
- Balance: 1 Votes.
Last voter (kept secret absolutely): *.*.210.*
on 2024-08-10 13:39:33.
Sean Paul,
born on
1973-01-08, France, I'm only 51 years old.
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Water Rat
1 Votes.
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- For: 1 Votes.
- Against: 1 Votes.
- Balance: 0 Votes.
Last voter (kept secret absolutely): *.*.117.*
on 2021-11-08 17:33:37.
Thomas FERSEN,
born on
1963-01-04, France, I'm only 61 years old.
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Water Tiger
1 Votes.
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- For: 1 Votes.
- Against: 0 Votes.
- Balance: 1 Votes.
Last voter (kept secret absolutely): *.*.221.*
on 2024-08-12 04:31:30.
Mélanie C.,
born on
1974-01-12, France, I'm only 50 years old.
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Water Ox
1 Votes.
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- For: 1 Votes.
- Against: 0 Votes.
- Balance: 1 Votes.
Last voter (kept secret absolutely): *.*.242.*
on 2024-08-09 16:33:20.
born on
1935-01-08, France, I'm only 89 years old.
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Wood Dog